It’s gonna be a great year! I have a lot of fun things planned for Sweater Sisters in 2020. They say writing things down will help with the follow through, so here goes and I’ll hope for the best.
In just a couple of weeks I’ll be back in NYC for Vogue Knitting Live with my darling sidekick, Halle. We’ll be in 208, the same booth as last year, but we’ll be looking a lot better. We’re going with more yarn, more colors, more kits AND my newest addition to Sweater Sisters, Landscape Dyes.
Have you ever thought you wanted to give yarn dyeing a try? If so Landscape Dyes is for you. These professional acid dyes are complete with citric acid and other additives you need to make your yarn colorfast and brilliant. Do you love speckles? This dye produces crisp speckles to give your yarn the gorgeous look you love. I have all 90 colors available.
I will still put a knitting kit out every 4-6 weeks. Make sure you’re subscribed to be notified of kit releases (they’re usually on sale!).
My biggest goal is to have WayfaringYarns, Sweater Sisters in-house yarn line, available on line for all your knitting/crochet needs. I plan to update the shop once a month with different bases and colors. Don’t hold me to it, but that’s my plan.
I also have a couple of new bases that I’m working up designs and samples with – hopefully one will be available to you in March and another in September. (See me making all these promises!)
The last weekend in April I’ll be returning to Interweave’s Yarn Fest in Ft. Collins, CO. I hope to see you all there again.
And of course, we will have our annual mini sweater challenge in August. I’m doing 4 new designs this year, focusing on cable work.
What are your yarnie goals for 2020? I’d love to hear them, so leave a message.
Have fun and keep knitting, my friends! Selena